Research Projects & Funding

Introductory copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac risus nulla. Nunc hendrerit elit vitae purus pellentesque accumsan sed at diam. Integer id eros vitae nunc blandit dictum. Praesent scelerisque enim sed nisl molestie, eget rhoncus felis consequat. Nam vitae dapibus massa. Mauris ut tempor ante. Donec quis fermentum risus. Praesent lobortis vehicula nisi.  

Theme 1: Health Behaviour Change

To develop methods to understand and improve the application of evidence-based behaviour change techniques (BCTs) and interventions by health promotion practitioners working in real-world settings.  

Assisted exercise

Aging and Spinal Cord Injury

Family support

Family Support and Spinal Cord Injury


No smoking sign

Smoking Cessation and Spinal Cord Injury


Man talking to woman in wheelchair

Therapeutic Alliance


Brain scans

Traumatic Brain Injury and Intimate Partner Violence


Group exercise

Peer Mentorship in SCI



Theme 2: Integrated Knowledge Translation

To advance the science and practice of integrated knowledge translation (IKT) by developing and implementing evidence-based guiding principles to improve researchers’ and research users’ capacity to use IKT approaches.  

IKT Guiding Principles logo

Integrated Knowledge Translation Guiding Principles


People talking at an event

Additional IKT Projects